Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Risotto Marinara!

If there is one type of sauce I love for pasta, that would be the Marinara sauce. Especially when its paired with fresh seafood like clams, mussels, squid and prawns. DELICIOUS! Or better yet, LOBSTER! :D

So anyway, this was made using the basic risotto recipe which can be found on the blog and just adding the Marinara sauce.

My recipe for the Marinara sauce for this dish is,

Ingredients (serves 2)
Can of diced italian tomatoes
Basil leafs, fresh preferred.
Bay leaf
Garlic, chopped
Portobello mushrooms, sliced
Onions, chopped
Ground black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
Vegetable stock
Chilli, sliced (optional)

1) Sauté the garlic and onions on low heat till soft not brown. Add mushrooms, chilli and bay leaf(1-2 will do) when its becoming soft.

2) Put in the can diced tomatoes, stir and bring to a boil on low heat. Now add in a cup of stock. Stir and mix, at this time, add in the basil and oregano and a dash of black pepper. Make sure you use more basil then oregano. Don't overwhelm the sauce with the herbs too, or else you will not enjoy the sweetness of the tomato sauce.

3) Simmer and stir occasionally for about an hour. Once the sauce thickens it is ready. At this point, add abit of sugar and salt to taste. And your sauce is now ready.

If you plan to make seafood marinara pasta, you should put in your seafood when the sauce is near completion and just pour the sauce over the cooked pasta.

For the risotto I made, what I did was after cooking the risotto, I added the sauce and seafood and mixed it together with my risotto and added parmesan cheese to my liking.

Making your own sauce is time consuming, but the end result is a wonderful homemade sauce unlike the can ones you can buy. This took me about almost 2hours to make, but it was well worth it when you get a delicious end result!! :)

1 comment:

enerac said...

haha.. coincidentally i was about to post about seafood risotto.. nvm, i'll post mine later as well.. lolz... it's different from yours though.. =p